SEAMLESS-WAVE is a developing “SoftwarE infrAstructure for Multi-purpose fLood modElling at variouS scaleS” based on "WAVElets" and their versatile properties. The vision behind SEAMLESS-WAVE is to produce an intelligent and holistic modelling framework, which can drastically reduce iterations in building and testing for an optimal model setting, and in controlling the propagation of model-error due to scaling effects and of uncertainty due statistical inputs.
2024 (27-30 May), Presentation talk delivered at the 15th international conference on hydroinformatics, “HIC2024” (G. Kesserwani). On a fast hydrodynamic approach to model solute mixing past rigid vegetation as an alternative to expensive large eddy simulators.
2024 (01-02, Feb.), Organisation of the ‘Advances in flood modelling and forceasting’ event at the University of Sheffield.
2023 (21-15, Aug.), Four presentation talks at the 40th IAHR AHR world Congress, Vienna, Austria. One presentation on the performance of static versus dynamic multiwavelts grid adaptivity for real-world flood modelling, one a comparative study of many sampling-based uncertainty quantification mehtod for flood modelling, one on the next version release of LISFLOOD-FP for tsunami-generated coastal flooding, and one the utility of hydrodynamic modelling for modelling mixing processes in hydraulic engineering.
2022 (6-8 Sep.), Presentation talk at the UK Fluids Conference 2022, within the session “Computational & data-driven methods II” (M. Hajihassanpour). Mahya shared his findings from a comparative study on “Efficient uncertainty quantification methods for flood modelling”.
2022 (6-9 Sep.), Oral presentation delivered at the 7th IAHR Europe Congress, Athens, Greece, within the session “Extreme Flood Events: Advancing Numerical Modelling and Strategies for Flood Mitigation (Part 1)” (G. Kesserwani and M. Shirvani). Georges presented about “Microscopic simulation of human response dynamics during a flood-induced evacuation from a football stadium”. More about our flood-pedestrian simulator can be found in here.
2022 (7 Jul.), University of Sheffield, progress update and advisory board meeting (including video-recorded presentation).
2022 (19-24 June), Invited talk delivered at the 39th IAHR world Congress, Granada, Spain, as part of the special session “The shallow water model intercomparison session: Benchmarking overland flow simulations” (G. Kesserwani and M. K. Sharifian). Georges presented about our fluvial/pluvial flood flow solver that is featured by a range of efficiency enhancement measures.
2022 (9 May), Public engagement presentation, How do computers forecast floods?, Pint of Science, Sidney & Matilda, Sheffield (M. K. Sharifian). Mohammad talked about the importance of flood forecasting systems, how they work and what are the challenges in improving the flood forecasts.
2022 (24 Mar.), Invited seminar talk for the “Water, Ocean, Coastal and Environmental Engineering with Geotechnics” (WOCEE-G) at the University of Manchester (G. Kesserwani). Title: “Benchmarking uncertainty propagation methods for flood hazard frequency analysis in response to multiple uncertain inputs”.
2022 (Feb.-Sep.), Award of Partnerships & Regional Engagement funds to participate in the Festival of the Mind 2022, 15-25 Sep.). This project delivered a real-time visulation toolkit of flood inundation propagation for people to use and explore to better understand the imopact and concequences of flooding events (M. K. Sharifian).
2021 (25 Oct.), Presentation talk at The 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows (5th ISSF) (X. Sun). Xitong explained how the use of DG2 solver can be beneficial in reproducing the flow fields in the context of hydro-environmental applications, and discussed his simulation results of flow through randomly distributed array of cylinders.
2021 (25 Oct.), Presentation talk at The 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows (5th ISSF) (M. K. Sharifian). Mohammad explained the development process of our (multi)wavelets based dynamic and static non-uniform grid flood models and showed the benchmark results for a real-world inundation scenario.
2021 (16 Sep.), University of Sheffield: planning and running the ‘Flood modelling and forecasting challenges in industry’ virtual workshop (G. Kesserwani, V. Speight, M. Hajihassanpour and E. Court).
2021 (5 Jul.), University of Sheffield, progress update and advisory board meeting (including video-recorded presentation).
2021 (Apr.), UKCRIC Digital theme workshop, University of Cambridge. Aimed to explore the UK research activities focussing on digitalisation in the built environment across the UKCRIC institutions. The flood-pedesrtian simulator was presented (presentation slides), with a particular focus on how it computerise people’s risk perception to floodwater in modelling a mass evacuation scenarios (Shirvani and Kesserwani, 2021).
2021 (Jan.-Mar.), Knowledge exchange project award from the University of Sheffield. The project aims to document our new contribution to LISFLOOD-FP (Shaw et al. 2021), a software widely used within the hydraulic and hydrologic modelling communities. The documentation is being regularily added and updated in the LISFLOOD-FP v8.0 including case studies and video tutorials to assist non-expert practitioner in using the software.
2020 (Feb.-Sep.), award of Partnerships & Regional Engagement funds to participate in the Festival of the Mind 2020: to showcase the real-time visulation capability of an ‘Agent-based food-pedestrian simulator’ of people evacution in urban and congregated areas (M. Shirvani, G. Kesserwani and P. Richmond).
2020 (15 Jun.), University of Sheffield, scientific and industrial board meeting (agenda and facts)
2020 (01-04 Mar.), Boğaziçi University, participation in the invitation-only ‘Building Resilience Series: Disaster Resilience’ RAEng Symposium (G. Kesserwani).
2020 (Feb. - Apr.), Pilot plan approved by DAFNI Governance Board to port our dynamically coupled agent based flood-pedestrian simulator on FlameGPU into their compute facilities (T. Gowland, M. Shirvani, G. Kesserwani and P. Richmond).
2019 (9 Dec.), San Francisco AGU fall meeting, Direct approach for uncertainty propagation in hydraulic modelling: is it worth it? Oral presentation at the Fall AGU meeting (G. Kesserwani).
2019 (19 Nov.), University of Bristol, third steering committee meeting (agenda and minutes)
2019 (Jun-Dec.), collaboration with the University of Bristol to integrate and test a robust DG2 solver into the multi-core CPU codebase of the popular LISFLOOD-FP flood model (J. Shaw, J. Neal, P Bates and G. Kesserwani).
2019(Jun.-Dec.), collaboration with US researchers in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to develop and validate Wavelet-based local mesh refinement (wLMR)for rainfall-runoff simulations for real-world catchments. The wLMR apporach is being integrated into the hydrogeological tool ‘TINerator’ to augment its mesh generation capability (I. Özgen-Xian and G. Kesserwani).
2019 (20 Sep.), Public engagement presentation, What happens the day after tomorrow: how do computers forecast floods?, Pop-Up University, Millenium Gallery, Sheffield (J. Shaw). James’ talk explained how the Environment Agency is collecting high-resolution terrain data across the UK in order to produce national flood hazard maps, and he showed how his research, developing uncertainty quantification methods, can help flood risk managers to assess their confidence in computer flood simulations.
2019 (10-12 Sep.), Participation in Flood Expo 2019 to showcase new research developments to a range of stakeholders, through exbition panels (J. Ayog, M. Shirvani & G. Kesserwani). In particular, our ‘agent-based flood-people simulator’ attracted great interest from flood defense designers and companies in the UK and the EU, leading to them to providing us with the data needed to computerise alternative to sandbagging into our flood-people simulator.
2019 (11 Sep.), Participation in Next Generation Land Surface and Hydrological Predictions, Royal Society, London (J. Shaw).
2019 (25 Jun.), Oral presentation delivered at the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (J. Shaw)
2019 (18 Jun.), Presentation and meeting at JBA Trust to introduce SEAMLESS-WAVE and explore means for facilitating public engagement activities (J. Shaw)
2019 (17 Jun.), Presentation talk at the Modelling Hydrodynamics for Water Resources workshop, 17-21 June, Zaragoza, Spain (G. Kesserwani)
2019 (5 Jun.), Meeting with the developers of TUFLOW software at their Leeds office: Meeting’s presnetation and minutes (G. Kesserwani and J. Ayog)
2019 (23 Apr.), Seminar talk at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Amercian University of Beirut: How can we increase accuracy, reliability, functionality and speed of flood risk modelling approaches? (G. Kesserwani)
2019 (28 Mar.), International workshop on CO₂ Storage in the North Sea - Quantification of Uncertainties and Error Reduction, Finse, Norway: Presentation on Probabilistic flood mapping: Stochastic Galerkin shallow water modelling with uncertain source terms) (J. Shaw)
2019 (1 Mar.), Electrite de France (EDF), Chatou, France: meeting with the host of the open source TELEMAC software to explore potential integration (G. Kesserwani and J. Shaw)
2019 (6 Feb.), University of Leeds, EPSRC/LWEC Fellows meeting, presentation on project overview and progress (G. Kesserwani)
2018 (23 Nov.), University of Sheffield, scientific and industrial board meeting (agenda and minutes)
2018 (3-5 Oct.), University of Colorado, Boulder: participation in an invitation-only Flood Risk Workshop (G. Kesserwani).
2018 (23-27 Sep.), University of Trento: attended a short course on Computational Methods for Hyperbolic Equations with Applications (J. Ayog and J. Shaw)
2018 (3-5 Sep.), University of Reading: two talks delivered at the Workshop on Moving and Adaptive Meshes for Global Atmospheric Modelling (G. Kesserwani and J. Shaw)
2018 (2-6 Jul.), University of Palermo: two talks delivered at the 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (J. Shaw and J. Ayog)
2018 (14 May), University of Sheffield, first steering committee meeting (agenda and minutes)
2018 (8-10 Jan.), University of Leeds: Invited talk at the Maths Foresees Assembly (G. Kesserwani)