
SEAMLESS-WAVE is a developing “SoftwarE infrAstructure for Multi-purpose fLood modElling at variouS scaleS” based on "WAVElets" and their versatile properties. The vision behind SEAMLESS-WAVE is to produce an intelligent and holistic modelling framework, which can drastically reduce iterations in building and testing for an optimal model setting, and in controlling the propagation of model-error due to scaling effects and of uncertainty due statistical inputs.

View the Project on GitHub ci1xgk/Fellowship_Webpage

Compiling on Linux

To compile LISFLOOD-FP on Linux, the following packages are required:

As an example, on Ubuntu, CMake, libnuma and libnetcdf can be installed, by entering the following commands in the terminal:

sudo snap install cmake --classic
sudo apt install libnuma-dev libnetcdf-dev

After installing the packages, open a terminal in LISFLOOD-FP-trunk directory, and enter the following commands:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

If libnuma is installed in a non-standard location, the following commands must be used, in which <path> denotes the installation directory of libnuma:

cmake -S . -B build -DNUMA_ROOT=<path>
cmake --build build

By doing so, the lisflood executable will be generated in the build sub-directory.

Updates on compiling for RedHat linux distribution (Thanks to Justin R. Davis from UFL)

While the compiling process explained above has been tested on Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, a few ammendment might be required for compiling on RedHat-based distributions, notably, on old versions like RHEL7:

yum -y install numactl-devel numactl-libs netcdf-devel cmake3 devtoolset-11
cd LISFLOOD-FP-trunk/
scl enable devtoolset-11 'cmake3 -S . -B build'
scl enable devtoolset-11 'cmake3 --build build'
