SEAMLESS-WAVE is a developing “SoftwarE infrAstructure for Multi-purpose fLood modElling at variouS scaleS” based on "WAVElets" and their versatile properties. The vision behind SEAMLESS-WAVE is to produce an intelligent and holistic modelling framework, which can drastically reduce iterations in building and testing for an optimal model setting, and in controlling the propagation of model-error due to scaling effects and of uncertainty due statistical inputs.
A. Chowdhury, and G. Kesserwani, (2024). LISFLOOD-FP 8.2: GPU-accelerated multiwavelet discontinuous Galerkin solver with dynamic resolution adaptivity for rapid, multiscale flood simulation. Geoscientific Model Development, in review.
G. Kesserwani, X. Sun, M. Hajihassanpour, and M.K. Sharifian (2024). Discontinuous Galerkin simulator of shallow vortical flow with turbulence. Advances in Water Resouces, in review.
M. Hajihassanpour, G. Kesserwani, P. Pettersson, and V. Bellos (2023). Sampling-based methods for uncertainty propagation in flood modelling under multiple uncertain inputs: finding out the most efficient choice. Water Resources Research, 59: e2022WR034011.
M.K. Sharifian, G. Kesserwani, A. Chowdhury, J. Neal and P. Bates (2023). LISFLOOD-FP 8.1: New GPU accelerated solvers for faster fluvial/pluvial flood simulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 16: 2391–2413.
A. Chowdhury, G. Kesserwani, C. Rouge, and P. Richmond (2023). Wavelet-based adaptive mesh refinement on the GPU for shallow water modelling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 25: 1210–1234.
X. Sun, G. Kesserwani, M. K. Sharifian, and V. Stovin (2023). Simulation of laminar to transitional wakes past cylinders with discontinuous Galerkin shallow water solutions. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 61: 631–650.
G. Kesserwani and M. K. Sharifian (2023). (Multi)wavelet-based Godunov-type simulators of flood inundation: static versus dynamic grid adaptation. Advances in Water Resouces, 171, 104357.
G. Kesserwani, J. Ayog, M.K. Sharifian, and D. Bau (2023). Shallow-flow velocity predictions using discontinuous Galerkin solutions. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 149, 04023008-1.
M. Shirvani and G. Kesserwani (2021). Flood-pedestrian simulator for modelling human response dynamics during flood-induced evacuation: Hillsborough stadium case study. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21: 3175–3198.
J. Shaw, G. Kesserwani, J. Neal, P. Bates, and M. K. Sharifian (2021). LISFLOOD-FP 8.0: the new discontinuous Galerkin shallow water solver for multi-core CPUs and GPUs. Geoscientific Model Development, 14: 3577–3602.
J. Ayog, G. Kesserwani, J. Shaw, M.K. Sharifian, and D. Bau (2021). Second-order discontinuous Galerkin flood model: comparison with industry-standard finite volume models. Journal of Hydrology, 594: 125924.
M. Shirvani, G. Kesserwani, and P. Richmond (2021). Agent-based simulator of dynamic flood-people interactions. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14(2), e12695.
M. Shirvani, G. Kesserwani, and P. Richmond (2020). Agent-based modelling of pedestrian responses during flood emergency: mobility behavioural rules and implications for flood risk analysis. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22: 1078–1092.
I. Özgen-Xian, G. Kesserwani, D Caviedes-Voullième, S Molins, Z Xu, D Dwivedi, J. D. Moulton, and C. I. Steefel (2020). Wavelet-based local mesh refinement for rainfall-runoff simulations. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22:1059–1077.
G. Kesserwani and M.K. Sharifian (2020). (Multi)wavelets can increase both accuracy and efficiency of Godunov-type hydrodynamic models: robust 2D approaches. Advances in Water Resouces, 144, 103693.
J. Shaw, G. Kesserwani and P. Pettersson (2020). Probabilistic Godunov-type hydrodynamic modelling under multiple uncertainties: robust wavelet-based formulations. Advances in Water Resouces, 137, 103526.
J. Shaw and G. Kesserwani (2020). Stochastic Galerkin finite volume shallow flow model: well-balanced treatment over uncertain topography. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 146, 04020005.
G. Kesserwani, J. Shaw, M.K. Sharifian, P.D. Bates, D. Bau, C. Keylock, and J. Ryan (2019). (Multi)wavelets can increase both accuracy and efficiency of Godunov-type hydrodynamic models. Advances in Water Resouces,129, 31-55.
M.K. Sharifian, Y. Hassanzadeh, G. Kesserwani and J. Shaw (2019). Performance of multiwavelet discontinuous Galerkin approach for solving the Green-Naghdi equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 90, 501-521.
G. Kesserwani, J.L. Ayog and D. Bau (2018). Discontinuous Galerkin formulation for 2D hydrodynamic modelling: trade-offs between theoretical complexity and practical convenience. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 342, 710-741.
M.K. Sharifian, G. Kesserwani and Y. Hassanzadeh (2018). A discontinuous Galerkin approach for conservative modeling of fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive wave transformations. Ocean Modelling, 125, 61-79.
G. Kesserwani, M. Hajihassanpour, P. Petterson and V. Bellos. WHAT IS THE MOST EFFICIENT SAMPLING-BASED UNCERTAINTY PROPAGATION METHOD IN FLOOD MODELLING? SimHydro 2023: New modelling paradigms for water issues?, 8-10 November 2023, Chatou, France.
A. Chowdhury, G. Kesserwani and C. Rougé. LISFLOOD-FP 8.2: new GPU-parallelised multiwavelet adaptive discontinuous Galerkin solver for tsunami modelling 40th IAHR Congress 2023, August 21 - 25, Vienna, Austria.
S. Xitong, G. Kesserwani and V. Stovin. Discontinuous Galerkin modelling of solute transport in vegetated steady flows 40th IAHR Congress 2023, August 21 - 25, Vienna, Austria.
G. Kesserwani and M. Hajihassanpour Comparison of sampling-based Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods for flood modelling applications 40th IAHR Congress 2023, August 21 - 25, Vienna, Austria.
G. Kesserwani and M.K. Sharifian Static versus dynamic grid adaptation with (multi)wavelet-based flood simulators 40th IAHR Congress 2023, August 21 - 25, Vienna, Austria.
M. Hajihassanpour, P. Pettersson and G. Kesserwani. Benchmarking uncertainty quantification methods in flood modelling applications. UK Fluids Conference, September 2022, Sheffield.
M. Shirvani and G. Kesserwani. Microscopic simulation of human response dynamics during a flood-induced evacuation from a football stadium. 7th IAHR Europe Congress 2022, September 7-9, Athens, Greece.
M.K. Sharifian and G. Kesserwani. GPU-accelerated, non-uniform grid solver for fluvial/pluvial flood simulations. 39th IAHR Congress 2022, June 19 - 24, Granada, Spain.
X Sun, G. Kesserwani, M.K. Sharifian and V. Stovin. Evaluation of second-order Discontinuous Galerkin shallow water solutions for the production of flow fields around cylinders 5th International Symposium of Shallow Flows, 23-25 October 2021, Nanjing, China.
M.K. Sharifian and G. Kesserwani. Benchmarking (multi)wavelet-based dynamic and static non-uniform grid solvers for flood inundation modelling 5th International Symposium of Shallow Flows, 23-25 October 2021, Nanjing, China.
M.K. Sharifian and G. Kesserwani. (Multi)wavelets increase both accuracy and efficiency of standard Godunov-type hydrodynamic models: 2D application. 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2020, June 30 - July 2, Warsaw, Poland.
M. Shirvani, G. Kesserwani and P. Richmond. Dynamic simulation of flood and people interactions for urban and populated areas. ‘Bringing the Water Sector Together, Innovation Through Collaboration to Secure a Sustainable Future’, TWENTY65 conference 2020, April 28-29 Manchester, UK.
I. Özgen-Xian, S. Molins, G. Kesserwani, D. Caviedes-Voullieme and CI. Steefel. Meshing workflows for multiscale hydrological simulations: Wavelet-based approach improves model accuracy. Fall AGU meeting 2019, Decembre 9-13, San Francisco, US.
G. Kesserwani and J. Shaw. Finite volume shallow water modelling with direct uncertainty propagation: is it worth it? Fall AGU meeting 2019, Decembre 9-13, San Francisco, US.
G. Kesserwani, J. Shaw and MK Sharifian. Adaptive MWDG2 hydrodynamic solver: as accurate as a uniform DG2 solver but faster than a uniform FV1 solver. Modelling Hydrodynamics for Water Resources (MODWATER 2019), June 17-20, University of Zaragoza, Spain.
J. Shaw and G. Kesserwani. Well-balanced stochastic Galerkin shallow water flows over uncertain topography. 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), June 24-26, Crete, Greece.
G. Kesserwani, M.K. Sharifian and J. Shaw. Adaptive multi-scale shallow flow model: a wavelet-based formulation. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2018), July 01-07, Palermo, Italy.
J.L. Ayog and G. Kesserwani. A well-balanced second-order discontinuous Galerkin reformulation for shallow water modelling. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2018), July 01-07, Palermo, Italy.