
SEAMLESS-WAVE is a developing “SoftwarE infrAstructure for Multi-purpose fLood modElling at variouS scaleS” based on "WAVElets" and their versatile properties. The vision behind SEAMLESS-WAVE is to produce an intelligent and holistic modelling framework, which can drastically reduce iterations in building and testing for an optimal model setting, and in controlling the propagation of model-error due to scaling effects and of uncertainty due statistical inputs.

View the Project on GitHub ci1xgk/Fellowship_Webpage

Using the non-uniform ACC solver

The non-uniform ACC solver is distributed as a new solver in the LISFLOOD-FP ecosystem and follows the same standard usage with a few updates to input/output components.

Setting up the simulations for using the new non-uniform ACC solver follows the same conventions of LISFLOOD-FP as described in section “Input files and their format”, with a few updates to the .par file:

These modifications to the .par files are summarised in the table below.

Item name input Description Solver
acc_nugrid Selects the non-uniofrm ACC solver non-uniform ACC
cuda Runs the selected solver on GPU All
epsilon The choice of error threshold, $\varepsilon$ non-uniform ACC
L The maximum refinement levels, L non-uniform ACC
vtkoff Suppress production of 2D multiresolution map files (*.vtk) non-uniform ACC

The technical background of how the ACC solver is adapted on the non-uniform grid generated by the multiwavets Galerkin projection of the DEM, and parallised on the GPU can be found in the preprint, which provides a demonstration of the solver performance for five real-world fluvial/pluvial case studies.

These flooding case studies include three catchment-scale scenarios and two urban-scale scenarios that are summarised in table below.

Test Case Source Type Number of elements (thousands) L R (m) Simulation time (hr)
Lower triangle catchment Özgen-Xian et al., 2020 Pluvial 149, 594, 3700 10, 11, 12 10, 5, 2 72
Upper Lee Catchment Xia and Liang, 2018 Pluvial 2712 12 20 120
Eden catchment Xia et al., 2019 Fluvial 6276 13 20 132
Glasgow urban area Néelz and Pender, 2013 Pluvial 95 9 2 5
Cockermouth urban area Muthusamy et al., 2021 Fluvial 2160 11 1 144

Step by step instructions on how to download and install the LISFLOOD-FP code, and reproduce the simulations for representative case studies can be found in the following videos links.

  1. Download and installation

  2. Upper Lee catchment case study

  3. Glasgow urban area case study
